
IACR Newsflash

Publication: Primary brain and CNS tumours in adults in Belgium, 2004-2020

The Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) is pleased to announce its new publication: “Primary brain and other central nervous system (CNS) tumours in adults in Belgium 2004-2020”. Epidemiological data on incidence, prevalence, survival, trends, and projections are presented in this report.

The report (attached) is also freely downloadable from https://kankerregister.org/media/docs/publications/rapporten/NeuroOnco_Epidemio_Fullversion.pdf and is the first nationwide publication of our Registry focusing on primary brain and other CNS tumours.

All chapters of the publication are divided by primary location of the tumour (meninges, brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, pituitary, and pineal glands and craniopharyngeal duct) and provide results based on sex, age group, histological subtype and behaviour of the tumour. Please find a summary below.

The BCR welcomes questions from the registry community (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and would appreciate if you could forward this news to interested colleagues.

Prof Enrique Barrios: A Retirement Tribute


Professor Enrique Barrios, MD, focused his profesional carrier in the field of Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology. He developed his teaching activities at the Universidad de la República (UDELAR) reaching the degree of Professor at the Quantitative Methods Department of the Faculy of Medicine.  He is a Full Member of the National Academy of Medicine and was recognized as Emeritus Professor at the UDELAR.

Since its creation 30 years ago, he has been part of the National Cancer Registry of Uruguay (NCRU), which he has then directed for the last 17 years. As its Director, he implemented several improvements that lead the NCRU to reach the highest standards in Data Quality.

His outstanding professional activity, his fruitful scientific production and his skills as a scientist and researcher, earned him the recognition of his peers at a national and international level.

He represented Latin American Registries on the IACR Executive Committee between 2014 and 2018, and received its Honorary Membership in 2018.

Beyond his outstanding career as a teacher and researcher, what distinguishes Prof.Enrique Barrios are his enormous qualities as a human being, partner, and friend.


Enrique Barrios: un homenaje 


El Profesor Enrique Barrios, es médico y se especializó en Bioestadística y Epidemiología del Cáncer. Docente dedicado en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de la República (UDELAR) llegando al grado de Profesor del Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos, es Miembro Titular de la Academia Nacional de Medicina y fue reconocido como Profesor Emérito de la UDELAR.

Desde su creación hace 30 años integró el equipo del Registro Nacional de Cáncer de Uruguay (RNCU), el cual dirigió los últimos 17 años. Desde su lugar como Coordinador, implementó una serie de mejoras que llevaron al RNCU a alcanzar los más altos estándares de Calidad de Datos.

Su destacada actividad profesional, su fecunda producción científica y sus dotes como investigador, le valieron el reconocimiento de sus pares a nivel nacional e internacional.

Representó a los Registros de América Latina en el Comité Ejecutivo de la IACR entre 2014 y 2018, y desde entonces es Miembro Honorario de la IACR.

Más allá de su destacada trayectoria como docente e investigador, lo que distingue al Prof. Enrique Barrios son sus enormes cualidades como ser humano, compañero y amigo.


Equipo del Registro Nacional de Cáncer, Uruguay


Marceli de Oliveira Santos: In Memoriam

2019 Portraits DA 44

We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of one of our own GICRNet expert trainer, Marceli de Oliveira Santos yesterday, 30 July 2023. 

Marceli joined the National Cancer Institute of Brazil in 1997. At that time, the country had only eleven population-based cancer registries (PBCR’s). She played a key role expansion of cancer registration throughout Brazil, they now have 32 PBCR’s, spread across all states of the country. Marceli has become a recognized authority in the field of cancer surveillance and epidemiology, as well as an exceptional teacher and mentor. She generously shared her knowledge and expertise with registrars, post-graduate students, and visiting PBCR registries, nurturing the next generation of cancer registry professionals. Her passion for this work and willingness to provide technical support made her a beloved figure among her colleagues and peers.

Collaborating with the Global Initiative for Cancer Registry (GICR), Marceli helped develop activities aimed at enhancing the quality of data in Brazilian cancer registries, promoting the importance of reliable data in cancer research and control. Marceli was committed to improving the registries’ access vital information in their native language.  She contributed to the translation of numerous technical documents from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) into Portuguese. This dedication allowed the Brazilian cancer registries to benefit from these resources more effectively.

Despite difficult personal challenges, particularly in recent years, Marceli did not lose her joyfulness and zeal to serve.  For these and her impact on cancer registry development in Brazil, paving further progress in the field and helping provide a strong foundation for growth in cancer surveillance and epidemiology, Marceli will be fondly remembered and sincerely respected.

We at the Global Initiative for Cancer Registry development (GICR), the International Association of Cancer Registries and the (IACR) Cancer Surveillance Section at IARC extend our heartfelt condolences to Marceli's family, friends, and colleagues at INCA Brazil.  

With thanks to Marianna de Camargo Cancela (IACR) and Marion Piñeros (GICR- IARC Hub for Latin America).

Dr Patricia Cueva: A Retirement Tribute / un Homenaje

DRA PATTY CUEVAPatricia Cueva, a medical researcher, was coordinator and director of the Quito Population-Based Cancer Registry, Ecuador from the “Sociedad de Lucha contra el Cáncer - Núcleo de Quito,” until June 2022. Her leadership and commitment to epidemiological surveillance, as well as her perseverance and enthusiasm, were fundamental qualities for the development of national and international projects.

Patricia, together with Fabián Corral and José Yépez, promoted the implementation of population-based cancer registries and hospital cancer registries in five other cities in the country. She participated and supported the IARC Regional Hub for Latin America of the Global Initiative for Cancer Registries, and she was a member of the International Association of Cancer Registries. Doing this allowed her to advise and train valuable individuals of various registries in the region.

She is an author and editor of several scientific publications that show the burden of cancer in Quito and the country. She contributed with fundamental information for the construction of public policy in Ecuador. Without a doubt, Patricia's participation in the creation, implementation, and consolidation of the Quito Registry, as well as her contribution to Ecuadorian and regional public health is invaluable.

Patricia Cueva: un homenaje

Patricia Cueva, médica investigadora, fue coordinadora y directora del Registro de cáncer de base poblacional de Quito de la Sociedad de Lucha contra el Cáncer - Núcleo de Quito, hasta junio de 2022. Su liderazgo y compromiso por la vigilancia epidemiológica, así como su perseverancia y entusiasmo, fueron cualidades fundamentales para el desarrollo de proyectos nacionales e internacionales.

Junto a Fabián Corral y José Yépez, impulsó la implementación de registros de cáncer de base poblacional y registros de cáncer hospitalarios en otras cinco ciudades del país. Patricia participó y colaboró con el nodo regional para América Latina de la Iniciativa Mundial de Registros de Cáncer y fue miembro de la Asociación Internacional de Registros de Cáncer, trayectoria que le permitió asesorar y capacitar al talento humano de varios registros en la región.

Es autora y editora de varias publicaciones científicas que documentan la carga del cáncer en la ciudad de Quito, y el país, aportando con información fundamental para la construcción de la política pública en Ecuador. Sin duda, la participación de Patricia en la creación, implementación y consolidación del Registro de Cáncer de Quito, así como su aporte a la salud pública ecuatoriana y regional es invaluable.

Wilmer Tarupi

Host the next IACR Annual IACR Scientific Conferences (from 2025)

The Annual IACR Scientific Conference is key activity of the Association. The IACR Annual Scientific Meeting has been held regularly since 1970, and annually since 1982. The conference is an ideal forum for exchanging knowledge with other cancer registry professionals from around the world. Hosted on a different continent each year, the IACR annual conference attracts an average of 200 delegates and offers a rich programme on topics related to the impact of cancer (incidence, survival), the evaluation of cancer screening and treatments, the aetiology of different cancers, and many others.

We invite proposals from cancer registries to host our annual conferences: from 2025 onward in the Asia Pacific and the Middle East, Africa, and Latin American regions.

Hosting an IACR Scientific Conference involves establishing a local organising committee involving local or regional partners to help the IACR Executive Committee develop the programme, meeting arrangements and management of the conference.

Cancer registries that are interested in hosting are asked to contact IACR's Secretariat via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and we will assist you throughout the organisation of the conference itself.

The hosting application will be reviewed by the IACR Board and host representatives will be invited to make a presentation during the IACR Board of Directors meeting and the IACR Scientific Conference held normally in the 3rd or 4th quarter of the year.

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