CI5 Publications
CI5 Volume X; CI5 Volume XI will be online at end of 2017
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Big data in cancer prevention and control: the population-based perspective to tackle rising cancer burden

Beijing, China, 05-07 November 2024

With much thanks to the hosts this year: the National Cancer Registry - Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College (CICAMS), National Cancer Center, China, the organising committee invite you to join us in November in Beijing.

The plenary topics are the following:

  • National standard, regulation, and law on cancer registry in different countries (important topic)
  • Stage, comorbidities, and other prognostic information in cancer registration
  • Descriptive epidemiology including special populations (e.g., children, adolescents and young adults)
  • Registry innovation, research and health policy
  • Collaboration, innovation and training in registry practice




Project E-NNOVATE: Electronic Innovations in Cancer Registration

E-NNOVATE is an ongoing collaborative project to develop the DHIS2-CanReg application linking a cancer registry to electronic medical health records (EMHRs).  This tool will improve the way cancer data is collected, enhancing its value and useability.

This application will be free, and open-sourced, and can be easily adopted by any country. In addition, a network of experts are being trained to support new users following its global roll-out, scheduled for December 2023. Coordinated by IARC-Global Initiative for Cancer Registries, the project is currently and successfully being piloted in Rwanda and the IARC-GICR Caribbean Hub for Cancer Registration

More detaiils in the E-NNovate Project Brochure

Call for Photos and Short Videos

Cancer registry colleagues: share your photos and / or short videos.  We would like to feature these on our website.  We would be eager to receive photos / images and / or videos of: (a) cancer registries and registrars, (b) short messages from registries, (c) registry activities, (d) older / historical photos, and (e) participation in past IACR events / conferences. Click on this link to or simply send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


EU General Data Protection Regulation

The European Regulation on the data protection (GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018. We take reaffirm you our commitment of transparency and the particular attention that we carry in the protection of your personal data.

We invite you to consult IACR's Privacy Policy here.

Using the IACR Registries Portal 

Accurate contact details are essential to ensure good communication with the membership and to have an online presence for the registry.

The registries portal ( and the IACR website is designed to allow all registries and members to upload and update not only contact details but the registry profiles, descriptions and featured reports and publications.  This is one of the benefits of being a member of the Association:  webpages and publicly-available information about your registry that could be useful for establishing contacts with other registries, institutions and researchers.  

All IACR member-registries have the access and login details. Credentials can also be obtained from the IACR Secretariat.

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