IACR Newsflash
Updates on ICD-O 3.2 and ICD-O 4
ICD-O-4 (Update as of January 25, 2021)
With the new 5th edition of the Blue Books commencing (it will be completed by mid-2023), it is now the time for the IARC WHO Classification of Tumours Group to start creating new codes. Due to the lack of available codes for new morphological diagnoses in the current 4-digit morphology structure, it is proposed for the next ICD-O edition (ICD-O-4) that a 5th digit will be added.
This approach, with the addition of a “0” where there is no need for a more specific code, or other values if needed was chosen for the ease of conversion and consistency with ICD-O-3 (similar to a MOTNAC to ICD-O-1 conversion). Adding an additional digit to the existing four retains the needed consistency, including the possibility to collapse to previous versions, but will likely require minor changes in registry software, notification forms, etc.
As the previous IACR ICD-O Working Group has now concluded its work with ICD-O-3.2, IACR will establish a new WG with global representation, with a terms of reference that focuses on the required planning for the implementation of ICD-O-4 in cancer registries worldwide.
ICD-O-3.2 (Update as of January 25, 2021):
The preparation of ICD-O-3.2 book (pdf) is at its final stages at the WHO Press, and we hope to have it in the first half of 2021. In the meantime, please refer to the tables available in this page.
Please read through our page on the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O) for details and updates of ICD-O-3.2 and the work that will start for ICD-O-4:
Dr Divina Esteban: A Tribute
Dr Divina Esteban, a pioneer of cancer registration in the Philippines (and, indeed, in South-Eastern Asia) died on February 20th, 2020.
Divina qualified in medicine at University of Manila, and later specialized in medical oncology, taking a fellowship at Philippine General Hospital (Manila) and becoming an active clinician, rising to leadership positions in the Philippine Society of Medical Oncology. Working in Rizal Medical Centre, she helped to found in 1974 the Department of Health – Rizal Cancer Registry (DOH-RCR), the first population-based cancer registry in the Philippines, as one of the activities of the Community Cancer Control Programme of the province of Rizal, and acted as its medical Director for 30 years.
The Rizal Cancer Registry contributed data for 1978-1982 to Cancer Incidence in Five Continents Volume V, and to subsequent volumes, and with IARC, she was a co-author of the first volume of Cancer in Philippines, an early IARC Technical Report (No. 5, published in 1989). The registry also contributed to the first two volumes of “Cancer Survival in Developing Countries”.
Because of its pioneering status, Rizal registry acted as a training centre for staff from other registries in Philippines, and other countries in the region, notably from Thailand and Vietnam. Her expertise as a trainer was recognized in the volume she co-authored with IARC’s Sharon Whelan- the Manual for Cancer Registry Personnel (IARC Technical Report No. 10) in 1995.
Divina was an active member of the IACR, and participated in numerous annual meetings in the 1980’s and 90’s. She retired from the Rizal Medical Center and thus also from the Rizal registry in 2004. She was succeeded by Dr Rica Lumague, a surgeon.
The IARC/WHO ICD-O Committee1 has updated the draft ICD-O-3.1 classification, with new morphology codes and terms from the 4th series of WHO Classification of Tumours (Blue Books). The IACR Working Group on ICD-O Updates2 has compiled a listing of additions, changes and revisions between ICD-O-3.1 and ICD-O-3.2 as a reference material for cancer registries.
Both documents have been revised according to the comments received during the consultation period and the final Excel tables are available for download in our Support for registries pages.
The ICD-O-3.2 book in pdf format is in preparation. We would like to thank all registries and individuals for comments provided to the draft versions.
1 Ian Cree, Jacques Ferlay, Robert Jakob, Brian Rous, Reiko Watanabe, Valerie White, Ariana Znaor
2 Atul Budukh, Jacques Ferlay, Keri Green, Tomohiro Matsuda, Brian Rous, Ariana Znaor
Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa
In time with the African Cancer Registry Network (AFCRN)'s 2018 Annual Review Meeting held on Oct 8-10 in Entebbe, Uganda, IARC and AFCRN published Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa.
IARC Publication 167, 2018, includes the latest cancer data for the region. The Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa volume brings together population-based cancer incidence data from 25 cancer registries in 20 sub-Saharan African countries that are part of the African Cancer Registry Network. The compiled data in this volume, presented and commented upon by covered population and by anatomical site, are of tremendous value to the assessment of the pattern and evolution of cancer in Africa, as a means of elucidating, confirming, and evaluating causes of the disease.
IARC SURVCAN-3 Webinars Available
WEBINAR 1: Data Collection for Survival Studies: follow-up using passive and active methods (available in English and Spanish, click on link above to access)
WEBINAR 2: Data Collection for Survival Studies: data quality and assessment for survival analysis (available in English and Spanish)
Editorial tables with comments will be sent back in February - April 2018.