HomeAbout IACRIACR Board of Directors

IACR Board of Directors

Executive Board:

President:  Charles Wiggins (USA)
President-Elect:  Donna Turner (Canada) 
Executive Secretary:  Freddie Bray (IARC)
Treasurer:  Rob Verhoeven (the Netherlands)
IACR Secretariat:  Maria Chelle Fernan (IARC)
GICR Representative:  Les Mery (IARC)

Regional Representatives:

Africa:  Karima Bendahhou (Morocco)
 Dr Guy N'Da (AFCRN Representative)
Asia & Near East:  Kyu-Won Jung (South Korea)
   Hiromi Sugiyama (Japan)
   Hongmei Zeng (China)
Central & South America:  Oscar Ramirez (Colombia)
 Marianna de Camargo Cancela (Brazil)
North America:  Donna Turner (Canada) 
   Karen Knight (NAACCR Representative) 
Europe:  Marc Maynadie (France)
   Vesna Zadnik (Slovenia)
   Liesbet van Eycken (IACR Representative to ENCR SC)
   Volker Arndt (ENCR Representative)
Oceania:  Sue Evans (Australia)

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