Short Course: Statistical Methods for Population-Based Cancer Survival Analysis
P. Dickman (Karolinska Institutet) & P. Lambert (University of Leicester and Karolinska Institutet) & T. Andersson (Karolinska Institutet) & M. Rutherford (University of Leicester) & E. Syriopoulou (Karolinska Institutet)
This course is part of the Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology from 2-7 June 2023 at Hotel Castel Brando, near Treviso in the Veneto region of Italy.
The course will address the principles, methods, and application of statistical methods to studying the survival of cancer patients using data collected by population-based cancer registries. We cover central concepts, such as how to estimate and model relative/net survival. We will cover the use of flexible parametric survival models, cure models, loss in expectation of life, and estimation in the presence of competing risks. Comparison of different approaches (e.g., to estimating and modelling relative/net survival) will be a focus of the course and participants will get the opportunity to apply and contrast a range of methods to real data. A large amount of time will be devoted to exercise sessions where the faculty members will be available to work with participants individually or in small groups. The exercise sessions will also provide an opportunity for participants to discuss their own research projects with the faculty (and with each other). We encourage potential participants to read the detailed course description at
Wider summer school website: